Who is covered by workers’ compensation in Michigan?


If you were working and suffered an injury on the job, you may be able to receive workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation is designed to provide wage-loss benefits, coverage for medical expenses and vocational rehabilitation to those who suffer injuries while working.

Michigan’s workers’ compensation is a kind of no-fault system. It doesn’t matter if the worker is or is not at fault for their injuries in most cases, unless the worker intentionally harmed themselves.

With workers’ compensation, an employee has the right to seek compensation to help cover medical expenses and lost wages as they recover. In the case that they need to change jobs, vocational rehabilitation may be used to train them for a different position, so they can get back to work.

Will everyone get workers’ compensation for work injuries?

Not everyone qualifies for workers’ compensation. Independent contractors, for example, are not employees and therefore cannot collect workers’ compensation. Neither volunteers nor federal employees covered.

Employees, however, are typically covered by workers’ compensation unless the employer has an exemption from needing to maintain coverage. Private employers with at least three employees or with one employee working 35 hours of more must have workers’ compensation.

Should you make a workers’ compensation claim if you get hurt?

If you get hurt while you’re working, then you should consider making a workers’ compensation claim. You can talk to your employer about the injury and have them record it, so you have a basis for your claim.

You need to let your employer know about your injury as soon as possible. If you have to leave work to seek emergency medical care, you should inform your employer once you’re medically stable or ask someone else at the scene to get in touch with them on your behalf.

After making a successful claim, you will generally receive 80% of the after-tax value of your wage losses. There is a maximum amount of compensation you can receive each year, but that’s something that you should be informed about when you make your claim. If you have trouble getting your claim approved, remember that you do have a right to an attorney and a right to appeal that decision.